About Me


Hey, I'm A Sehal Ibrahim Ali (Kaneec) Senior Bank Branch Manager

Senior Bank Branch Manager at Dahabshil Bank International


I am a results-driven Senior Bank Branch Manager at Dahabshil Bank International and the Founder of Kaneec Hospital, specializing in banking, managing, environmenting, administration, and technology-driven innovation. With over 10 + years of leadership and management experience, I have a proven track record in financial growth, strategic planning, and operational excellence.

I hold an MBA from Lincoln University (Malaysia) and a Master’s in Environment, Development, and Peace from the United Nations University for Peace (UPEACE). My expertise lies in integrating finance, banking, and technology to drive sustainable development and innovation.

10 Years Job


Double Master


3+ Awards



Hey, I'm A Sehal Kaneec Senior Bank Branch Manager

Senior Bank Branch Manager | Founder, Kaneec Hospital

Experienced in banking, healthcare, and technology-driven innovation. Senior Bank Branch Manager at Dahabshil Bank International and  Founder of Kaneec Hospital, with 10+ years of leadership in financial growth and strategic management. Holds an MBA from Lincoln University and a Master’s from UPEACE.

Banking & Financial Services
Branch Management & Administration
Leadership & Team Management

About me

Sehal Ibrahim Ali – Senior Bank Branch Manager

I am a Senior Bank Branch Manager at Dahabshil Bank International and the  Founder of Kaneec Hospital. With expertise in banking, healthcare, and technology, I drive financial growth and innovation. I hold an MBA from Lincoln and have over 10 years of experience in leadership and management.

My goal is to drive growth, enhance customer experiences, and develop sustainable financial solutions that positively impact businesses and communities.

MY Skills & Expertise

Real Problem Solutions Experience

I am a Senior Bank Branch Manager at Dahabshil Bank International and the  Founder of Kaneec Hospital. With expertise in banking,


Banking & Financial Management

Expertise in branch operations, risk management, and financial


Leadership & Strategic Management

Similique magna quisquam accusamus adipiscing tempus ornare dolorem, exercitationem perferendis neque.


IT & Network Administration

Experience in managing IT infrastructure, cybersecurity, and digital

1998 - 2010

Education Quality

Master of Business Administration (MBA) – Environment (2017)

Lincoln University Malaysia

Master of Environment development and peace

University for Peace ( Upeace)

Double Master’s Degree in Banking & Finance

Double Master’s Degree in Banking & Finance

2010 - 2024

Job Experience

Senior Branch Manager

Dahabshil Bank International (Aug 2014 – Present)

Network Administrator

Network Administrator | Jan 2012 – Present | Full-time

Supervisor and system administrator

Shaqadoon Organization (2011-2013)

Dahabshil Money transfer as a deputy branch manager

2013 - 2014


Makes me Realize how much I haven't seen

I am a results-driven Senior Bank Branch Manager at Dahabshil Bank International and the  Founder of Kaneec Hospital, specializing in banking, and technology-driven innovation. With over 10 years of leadership and management experience, I have a proven track record in financial growth, strategic planning, and operational excellence.


xaflad mahadcelinta macaamiisha

Ganacsato,Siyaasiyiin, Xildhibaano iyo Bulshada qeybaheeda kala duwan kana mid ah Macaamiisha Bankiga caalamiga ee Dahabshiil Xarunta Xamarweyne oo munaasabad soo dhaweyn ah u sameeyey maamulaha cusub ee Xaruntaasi.

Award & Achievements

Overall Best Branch Performance 2023

 Abdirashid Duale
 CEO Dahabshil Gruop

Customer Health award

United Nations University for Peace (UPEACE)

Lincoln University (Malaysia)


I Have 1253+Client Feedback

I am committed to excellence in banking, healthcare, and technology, ensuring customer satisfaction, financial growth, and innovation. My leadership in Dahabshil Bank International and Kaneec Hospital has earned recognition for strategic management, service quality, and efficiency. Clients and colleagues appreciate my problem-solving skills, professionalism, and dedication to success.

Hon Abdullahi Omar Abshir-Abshirow

Second Deputy Speaker, Federal Parliament of Somalia

Waxaan hampalyo iyo bogaadin udirayaa Sahal Ibrahim Cali oo ah Maamulka Dahabshil Branch Xamar-wayne kedib markii u ku guulaystay abaalmarinta Sanadka 2023 Dhamaan Shaqaalaha Dahabshil bank Xaruntiisa Xamarwayne waxaan kula dabaaldageynaa wax qabadkoodii dhanka shaqada ay ka soo dhalaaleen iyago galay kaalinta kowaad Best Branch.

Macruuf Xaaji


Waxaan hambalyo leeyahay Saahil Ibrahim Kaneec oo Ah maamulaha Dahabshiil Bank International (Xamarwayne Branch) iyo Shaqaalihiisa oo noqday Maamulaha iyo branch-gii ugu ficnaa 2023, iyagoo ku guuleystay kaalinta koowaad ee (DAHABSHIIL OVERALL BEST BRANCH 2023) Waxaana Guddoonsiiyay Abaal marintaan Mr. Abdirashiid Ducaale oo ah General Manager Dahabshiil group iyo Mr Omar Sheikh oo ah CEO Dahabshiil Bank iyo masuuliyiin kale. 

My space

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